Tree Removal

Tree Removal | Captains Tree Service | Tree Service NJ

Tree Service NJ | More than likely, you are not too far from a deciduous tree right now. Deciduous trees are trees that drop their leaves for part of the year. They are found in temperate and tropical climates all over the world. Deciduous trees have broad flat leaves that catch a lot of light and require a great amount of water. In some cases, leaf loss coincides with winter – namely in temperate or polar climates when there is less sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. Tree Removal | Captains Tree Service | Tree Service NJ| Tree Removal NJ | Tree Service NJ

In other parts of the world, including tropical, subtropical, and arid regions, deciduous trees lose their leaves during the dry season or other seasons, depending on variations in rainfall. This allows the trees to enter a dormant period during the difficult times as a means of survival. The process of shedding unneeded parts, such as leaves, is known as abscission. Unlike deciduous trees, evergreen trees, such as pine and cedar trees, keep their needles year round. Tree Removal | Captains Tree Service | Tree Service

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Deciduous trees can be found in most regions of the planet. Common examples of deciduous trees include oak, maple, and hickory trees. Oak trees are characteristic deciduous trees that lose their leaves in the fall and re-grow them in the spring. There are approximately 600 living species of oak trees. These hardwood trees have large, lobe-shaped leaves and produce a fruit in the form of a nut called an acorn. They grow in a variety of regions, ranging from temperate forests and rain forests to arid Mediterranean landscapes. As a strong hardwood tree, oaks have been crucial to the building industry for hundreds of years and have been propagated by tree farmers for this purpose. Tree Removal | Captains Tree Service | Tree Service

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